The wolf is one of the most respected, feared and misunderstood animals in all of nature. The wolf is very intelligent and has advanced senses of smell, hearing, sight and taste. They are social, friendly and playful, and are ritualistic, like humans. In parts of Europe they were generally feared by people who saw them as a representation of ‘evil’ and they were almost completely eradicated. Norse mythology says that a wolf will consume the sun at Ragnarök when the world comes to an end, and wolves were thought to bring chaos, death and destruction. In other parts of the world the wolf was respected, even worshiped. Among many indigenous tribes of North America, wolf represents not only creation, but also death and rebirth. Wolf is viewed as a spirit animal; in the Lakota language the word for wolf, sunkmanitu, means “divine dog.” Wolf is a guide and teacher, able to instruct and lead us in our daily lives, and although the lessons wolf teaches are sometimes difficult they are often very necessary. Wolf is a keen observer who is very aware of the pack and environment and, as a result it is able to make quick decisions and act decisively, especially in times of danger. Wolf symbolizes loyalty, guardianship, respect, ritual, and community within a pack structure, but it also represents a spirit of individual discovery and developing trust in one’s own instincts. Wolf is the Pathfinder, the intuitive seeker, the forerunner of new ideas, bringing growth for both the individual and the pack. By following Wolf’s example we can be shown how to trust our own hearts and minds and how to have peaceful dominion over our own lives.






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